Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Research poster

So, of course I've procrastinated on picking a topic for my research poster that is due tomorrow. But I found a great idea, which I think is pretty innovative and cool. Paper batteries! I found the idea earlier this week on reddit which is a regular news feed site that I visit, pretty much 3-4 times a day now. The idea is from a team of Stanford researchers. Turning ordinary paper into a battery! Wow, that could really revolutionize the world today. I mean, the cost of batteries, both making them and recycling them is a hassle. But with new paper batteries, hopefully it will change.
I found it especially interesting because on Monday, I didn't see anything like it. I didn't want to do a research poster on something that 5 other people had chosen to write about also. I noticed that on Monday, at least 6 people did their research poster on Google Wave. And trust me, I think Google Wave is cool and very useful and could turn the way meetings are run, but I don't think it was the best idea since 5 other people decided to do it also.
Overall, the research posters on Monday were very creative and well thought out. I especially liked the one about Cyborg Bugs, which were apparently the first ever fully cyborg animals. They would help out the military and be controlled from a remote control, or not. Either way, I thought his poster was nice and visually appeasing.  There was lots of information and he seemed very informed about the topic. I don't remember what his name was, but I applaud you Mr. Cyborg Bug researcher!

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